Single Mother Scholarships – 6 Great Methods

You have come to this page for one reason, to get single mother scholarships information, and that is exactly what you will get! Below will be 6 different ways for single mother to use when looking for scholarships, so that you can get the funding you need to further your schooling and get a great job.

Single Mother Scholarships – 6 Great Methods

  1. The first program that is a great on for applying for single mother scholarships is a program called the Pell Grant. This grant program is currently supplying over 5 million individuals like yourself with college tuition funding. If you are eligible for this program then you will be able to receive up to 5550 dollars to use for your schooling each year. What you will receive in tuition costs will be factored by how much you need in terms of what you are making as far as your annual income goes. You can also use this funding for school books, materials as well as transportation.
  2. The Sunshine Lady Foundation is another great program to use when looking for single mother scholarships. This method has been used towards many mothers who are highly motivated to attain their goal of getting a degree but don’t have the financial resources to do so. This program was founded by Doris Buffet in 1996 who was also a single mother at the time. This single mother scholarships organization is founded by both Warren Buffet and their father before he passed and has granted over 100 million dollars to single mothers and low-income families who need money for education.
  3. There is a program called the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity that offers eligible applicants scholarships that range from 100 to 4000 dollars.
  4. Another great program to look for single mother scholarships through as well as many other grants pertaining to being a single mother is a website called This site provides registered users with information on over 1000 different grant programs out there that can be applied to.
  5. International of the Americas which can be found at is an excellent program to use that is dedicated to providing single mother scholarships, and there to help all those moms out there who are the sole provider to their families.
  6. Another great way to get single mother scholarships is by talking to your employer if you are currently employed. By telling your employer that you wish to further your education to be a better asset when it comes to your job, can often times get you free education as employers would rather train someone within the company instead of having to higher someone else because hiring a new person is more expensive.

These are excellent ways to get single mother scholarships and grants. When looking you can also use you local community college as a resource well to get funding information. By making an appointment with a counselor, they will educate you on many of the opportunities out there that are offering single mother scholarships.

Single Mother Scholarships – Conclusion

These are 6 great ways to get single mother scholarships in which you can apply for immediately. When applying for others, do your best to apply for federal programs, nonprofit organizations, as well as charitable programs as these, will be legitimate ways to obtain money for school and avoid the many scams that are out there. Hopefully, this article was what you were looking for when you started your single mother scholarships search and all the best on your application process.

Tags:Scholarships For Single MomsSingle Mother Scholarships