Rent Assistance For Single Mothers – 4 Great Programs

January 9, 2012

Rent Assistance For Single Mothers

Rent assistance for single mothers is available, which there are many great programs out there offering a lending hand. Rent expenses are no doubt one of the biggest, if not the biggest expense that a single mother has to worry about each month, which it is vital that the payment gets made, enabling the family to have a roof over their head. To enable yourself to be able to cover expenses for your rent, you can familiarize yourself with the programs below, which all are dedicated to providing rent assistance for single mothers as well as those who are experiencing financial difficulty.

Programs Offering Rent Assistance For Single Mothers


CoAbode – Single Mothers House Sharing – CoAbode is a non-profit organization that offers rental assistance for single mothers that differs compared to the traditional sense, as they actually find a compatible roomate for you who will rent a room, providing money for you to put towards rent expenses, which the roomate is a single mother herself with one or more children. This can also equte to finding a better living situation due to the fact that you can share a home and it’s expenses.

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – HUD is a federally funded program that offers a variety of services when it comes to rental assistance. Some of these services consist of; housing vouchers which can be used to pay a portion of your rent to landlords who accept them, locating affordable housing known as “public housing”, a database that offers affordable rental locations by state, free housing advice counseling and more.

Housing & Community Facilities Program – This program is offered by the USDA, and provides grants and loans to applicants that meet certain yearly income requirements, known as 50 percent less than the median income of your area. If one has an even lower annual income than what is required for the Housing & Community Facilities Program, the USDA also offers what the Rural Rental Assistance (RA) program that can offer rental assistance to single mothers in the form of grants and/or loans for rental exenses. – This site is like a middle man providing you with single mothers rental assistance programs, both federally funded as well as private. To utilize this website for your rent expenses purposes, all you have to do is click the state in which you reside in, which their is a map of the USA on their main page, which then you will be taken to a page that shows all of the agencies and organizations that are offering rent assistance for single mothers.

Emergency Rent Assistance For Single Mothers

If you came of this rent assistance for single mothers information needed immediate assistance, the best thing to do would be to contact either local churches or the YMCA and Salvation Army as they can provide safe temporary housing resources, as well as call 311 which the operator will provide you with information about local resources that offer rent assistance for single moms.